Alarsin Bangshil tablet is prescribed to patients suffering from burning, painful, slow, and frequent micturition. Urethritis, Cystitis, Pyelonephritis, Pyelitis, Prostatitis, Crystalluria. (Phosphaturia, Oxaluria)
In Females: Chronic vaginitis, asymptomatic bacteriuria of pregnancy, after instrumentation.
Enlarged Prostate & Post-prostatectomy
Syndrome: BANGSHIL along with FORTEGE relieves hesitancy, frequency, urgency burning micturition.
Bangshil overcomes the limitation of antibiotics and sulphas in the successful supervision of G.U.T. Infection.
It seems to have both Bacteriostatic and Bactericidal effects.
Bangshil tablet can be combined with urinary antiseptics as it improves bacterial susceptibility to antibiotics.
It is a safe drug for long-term use: and for follow-up after specific treatment.
It tones up the functions and defense mechanism of the G.U. system. Improves general health and gives a sense of well-being. It helps to increase general body resistance.
Alarsin Bangshil Tablet Dosage:-
Generally 2 tablets 3-4 times a day for 2-3 weeks and then in reduced doses as necessary.
In Acute cases: As an adjuvant 2 tablets three times a day
For Enlarged Prostate: Bangshil along with Fortege 2 tablets each twice a day for 6 months or as directed by the physician.
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