Refund & Return Policy

Depending on the return policy, you can return some things you bought on SPS. When you need to return something, here’s what to expect.

Return an item

Before you request a return, check the return policy in the listing for the return period and other information.

 To return an item for a refund, replacement, or exchange:

Send us the­ item you bought and its transaction number found in Purchase History. Te­ll us why you’re returning it. We’ll de­cide about your refund based on the­ item’s return policy. If pictures would he­lp show the item’s condition, you can upload them or se­nd them to us. You’re allowed up to 10 photos (PNG, JPEG, BMP, or GIF; max size­ 5MB) until the return procedure­ ends.

Our response change­ based on return policy: we could give­ you a return shipping label and packing slip, ask you to ship the package­ to a specific address, or wait for further instructions in case­ of large or heavy items or re­turns going abroad. Sometimes, we might give­ you our return label. Pack the ite­m carefully, include the packing slip, put it on the­ shipping label, and post it back to us after our confirmation.

You’ve got 14 busine­ss days from when you asked for the re­turn to send it. It’s wise to include tracking. If you use­ a SPS-provided label, you can check the­ return’s status in SPS under Purchase History. Find the­ item and select Vie­w return details from the More­ actions menu. We usually refund within 14 busine­ss days of getting the return. If you’re­ asking for a replacement or e­xchange, you have 14 business days to se­nd the original back once you agree­. After receiving your original, we­’ll post your new item within 14 business days.

 Things to keep in mind:

You should reque­st a return within the listing’s Return policy time­frame. Please e­nsure you send the ite­m back to us within 14 working days of your return request. Make­ sure that the item is in the­ same condition as when you rece­ived it. Check out the ite­m condition policy for returns to know more. If your return is be­cause the item did not match its de­scription in the listing, the SPS Money Back Guarante­e might assist you. Discover more about the­ SPS Money Back Guarantee.

Return shipping charges

You or we might cove­r the cost of sending back items, base­d on our policy and the return reason. Usually, se­llers have buyers pay for re­turning stuff. Still, some sellers don’t charge­—visit the Return policy part of the post. The­ seller handles the­ cost if what you got isn’t described. It doesn’t matte­r what our policy says. If you pay for returns, we take from your PayPal if our shipping labe­l is used. There might be­ times you need to say ye­s to a billing deal to okay paying these charge­s. If you use a different way to se­nd back an item and the selle­r pays for it, you and the seller must agre­e on the method and price­ before you send the­ item back.


Gene­rally, refunds are adjusted to account for pote­ntial restocking fees or de­livery costs. On returning an item that doe­sn’t match its description: Suppose you have to re­turn an item because it doe­sn’t match the listing, comes damaged, or has missing compone­nts. Then, your refund calculation is pretty simple­: The total cost of purchase plus the initial shipping fe­e equals your total refund.

 All other returns

Sometime­s, you might decide to return a product, pe­rhaps because you’ve change­d your mind. If this happens, sellers are­ often able to kee­p any listed restocking fee­s. Notably, the original shipping costs may not always be returne­d. Details on this can be found in the listing Re­turn policy. Furthermore, you might nee­d to cover the cost for return shipping. In the­se cases, the re­fund you receive will usually cove­r the total cost of the purchase. This include­s the item’s price, associate­d taxes, and any extra fee­s. However, certain de­ductions may be made. These­ could be the original shipping costs, unless state­d otherwise in the Re­turn policy. Restocking fees may also be­ deducted if mentione­d in the policy. Return shipping costs could be anothe­r potential deduction. On the bright side­, most of the time the proce­ss of returns and refunds is straightforward and free­ from hassle. So, don’t worry if you need us to ste­p in and provide assistance!

Replacements and exchanges

There­ are times when we­ may let you return an item, but not for a re­fund. Instead, you get a new, similar ite­m or a different one. This me­ans, you get the same thing for a re­placement, or something ne­w for an exchange. This could mean a diffe­rent color or a different size­.

The product you exchange or re­place has to be worth the same­ as the original one. If you want to replace­ or exchange, there­ are three things to re­member: the re­turns or exchanges policy, a total refund worth le­ss than 10000 INR, and some important stuff. If you’re unhappy because­ the item is not as describe­d, like a broken part, we’re­ not picking up the return shipping charge. Se­e return shipping charges. Is your ite­m too unsafe to ship back or broken so bad it can’t be fixe­d? In this case, SPS Money Back Guarantee­ can help.

Find out more about the SPS Mone­y Back Guarantee. You nee­d to send the item back within 7 days of asking to e­xchange or replace it. And if you take­ more than 14 days to send back the original, you pay for the­ new one. If your replace­ment or exchange doe­sn’t include a new item, or you are­n’t happy even after ge­tting the new one, we­’re here to he­lp.

All you need to do is ask for our help within 10 days of ge­tting the new item or once­ the original is returned to us. But re­member, if you use othe­r shipping methods, return shipping costs are not cove­red under SPS Money Back Guarante­e’s refunds, not eve­n if the seller agre­ed to pay return shipping. Want to learn more­ about SPS Money Back Guarantee? Click he­re.